Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Writing as You're 'Starting Your Life'‏

Every writer encounters the challenge of finding time to write.  This is particularly tricky when you're a young adult expected to be 'starting your life'.

Once post-secondary is completed you have to find a job, establish yourself in your field, pay the bills, and balance a social life.  Soon after (hopefully) achieving some stability in your working life one is contemplating settling down with a partner, starting a family, maybe buying a home.  Before you know it you're in your late thirties and writing has taken a seat back on the bumper.  This is something I would like to avoid if at all possible.  I want writing to be integrated into my life so that, even if it's just a few lines a day, I never completely lose touch with the medium.

The next question to answer then is 'what type of writing do I want to do'?  Despite my practiced ability to construct essays (thank you four years of University English) I vastly prefer the narrative form.  Even once one has hit upon this preference, however, there are myriads of choices.  I'm fortunate to have written a fanfiction that continues to garner appreciation from the internet community but with that appreciation comes the demand for more of the like.  While I'd already contemplated a sequel to the work I am also receiving requests/prompts to develop the ideas of others in the community.  Since my intention is to put the majority of my attention toward my original works I am having to turn down these requests and encourage their sources to pursue their own inspiration.

At least it is nice to have one's literary skills appreciated so I am thankful for the time all my readers take to supply me with imaginative fodder.

As for my original works I have discovered a fantastic companion in Boxjelly . Her story 'Princess of Prongs' introduced me to her style and from the first chapter I knew this was an author I wanted to follow.  Her hold of language, expansive imagination and characterisation makes every one of her stories a pleasure to read.  After I left a review stating the like on the above mentioned story she contacted me and the two of us have begun a literary exchange, assisting one another in improving our stories.  I am so thankful to have her trained eye and masterful awareness of narrative to assist me and look forward to our continued correspondence.

Boxjelly1's Profile:

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