Wednesday, 29 April 2015


It's a magical moment when all the threads of a story begin coming together.  Characters you like but whose paths have been mindless and destinations whose map was only a figment start unfurling like new leaves, filling an author with the vigor only inspiration can bestow.  The wonder at discovering the promise of a whole narrative with depth and intrigue is a potent brew.  That is how I began to feel about the second installment in my 'Call of the Black Panther' universe yesterday, watching the landscape slip by on a trip to visit family.

If I wanted to get philosophical I suppose the connection makes some sense.  There are many concerns touched on in the Panther books but the notion of 'family' is perhaps one of the biggest.  Tension between creatures different from ourselves, as well as facets that are considered 'different' within a scientific classification, is not a new theme but which still lies at the heart of our struggles as a species.  Embedded in that struggle for balance is the risk of radicalisation, a topic the second book looks at in more detail.  Walking the line between security and freedom is of particular importance in our increasingly connected global society.  In both books I endeavour to show that neither Human branch is completely good or bad, only that individual choice is of paramount importance.  Whereas it is easy to simply 'go-along' with others that inaction can lead to unsettling consequences.  Every society benefits from questioning the perceived 'best course of action' and whose desires are met by making particular choices.

Ultimately, because I'm an optimist, I believe that people generally make good moral decisions.  Repression, stress, lack of education, lethargy all affect the moral quality of a decision but everyone has the capacity to recognise right from wrong and desire an ethical conclusion.  This universe is my own rendition of where such moral tensions can play out, particularly in the thorny area of inter-Human 'difference'.  Characters who are good will make bad decisions and have to live with the consequences.  The reverse will also be true, the actions of those around these characters constantly affecting their view of cause and effect.

One of an author's biggest challenges is capturing a semblance of life in their work, the complexity of interacting forces ensuring that sometimes even the creator will not fully understand where their words are coming from.  Stories are fundamentally lessons about life.  They range from the ordinary to grotesque, simultaneously examining and embodying the nebulous nature of our conscious reality.  This artistic form is at once a source of pleasure and introspection, enabling us to see what we've come to expect in new ways.  That is what I ultimately hope comes from others reading my stories - a new perspective on the world.  Perhaps even one that will help it become a better place.  As any artist will tell you, it doesn't hurt to dream.

Image of writing by after-the-party

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Complexities of Life

I did not set myself a very ambitious writing goal for the April Camp NaNoWriMo but am pleased to say I am on schedule to achieve my word count goal.  This is the first time I've split my attention between two stories, the sequel to my 'Land and Sea' fanfiction, and a sequel to 'Call of the Black Panther'.  Although I have no idea how long it will take to finish the former I know that it will eventually find its way to the internet.  The latter sequel is still so new to me I'm not sure how it's going to pan out.  It's been many years since I initially wrote 'Call of the Black Panther' so me and my writing style have changed since the universe's inception.  I anticipate that this sequel will flow from multiple character perspectives more than its parent tale did.  Irene is an important part still but I am hoping to explore more of the 'gray' area that exists between the two human species.  Part of the reason it's difficult for me to discuss this project right now is because I'm still not sure where it's going to end-up.

Perhaps the main issue I've had as a mature author is trying to capture the essential complexity of life.  That is certainly what's been holding me up with the Rules Trilogy.  One has to have a destination in mind to know when they've reached it.  Selena's story grew very organically, thus was a perfect fit for previous NaNoWriMo projects.  The Panther sequel is also trying to take on some of that 'screw the plans' mentality.  Thankfully I am excited to follow these characters along as their story unfolds.  I suspect it is wise for me to simply follow the flow of inspiration and worry about the clean-up later.

Speaking of clean-up I'm fairly confident that 'Call of the Black Panther' is ready for the light of day.  I am still waiting on some feedback from my wonderful friends but it's basically the technicalities that remain to alter.  As I put the finishing touches on my Createspace account I am reminded of the obstacles that exist for a Canadian writer.  Since Amazon is a US-based company I am required to supply additional information (namely tax-related).  There is also the issue of compensation which, since direct deposit is available for only the US and Europe, restricts me to a payment option that depends on sales.  Thankfully I didn't go into writing to make money, although being able to support myself doing what I love is an ever-present dream.  Ultimately I am excited to see how the larger world feels about this little story and hope that it can provide some measure of enjoyment and insight.

Until the next update I leave you with an excerpt from my soon-to-be-published book (I still can't quite believe that's true1):

“Don’t go mad with the hate you feel!  Revenge only continues the cycle of violence.  We cannot avenge the dead, only attempt to save the living.”

Turning his gaze from within to her Arminius was ensnared by Irene's determined gaze.   Despite his best efforts to retain it, his anger steadily crumbled away, leaving in its place a strange sense of guilt.  He wanted so badly to crush all of the Creatures that had destroyed his home and friends – but what would doing so bring him in the end?  The thrill of glory and self-righteousness was a tempting brew yet he’d already tasted the shame associated with stooping to the tactics of those he hated.   Others might have considered it weakness to deny the ardor of vengeance but, looking down at the child clinging to Irene’s waist and then into her stead-fast eyes, Arminius knew that it was not fear or weakness to deny those tempting urges.  In this female’s eyes was compassion, compassion for the hate and pain he was feeling… and a stubborn refusal to give into rage.  Irene resolutely believed that only caring would allow peace to return and, given what violence had done for them, Arminius realised he was starting to share that belief."

© Katarina Claire E.R.

Image of a stream through a forest courtesy of Stauffer